Sustainability & Responsibility

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We are focusing on the UN’s #7 Sustainability Development Goal: Affordable and Clean Energy and we invite you to pledge your house to the cause.

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We support PMI’s 2022 Hours for Impact initiative where we have committed to assisting local organizations in executing their projects

Our team also volunteers to help organize events in their technical and personal circles, most recently the PMI’s 2022 Revelations Symposium.

We are always looking for additional causes to support, from river and lake cleanups to teaching and volunteer opportunities to many others.

Feel free to reach out at any time.

GHG Emissions
For Developers

Project Plans & Expert Review


Project is unorganized? Need a second opinion? Let us know

Project often stumble in the early phases through poor planning, underappreciated risks and lack of attention paid to the project budget and cost estimation.

This can be quite a costly mistake that catches up with the Owner through change orders, delays and lower-than-expected power production.

Our experienced team can realign projects that have strayed from their Project Charter and can also assist lenders, buyers and investors in properly evaluating current and future installations.